CN=GivenName Initals. Surname vs CN=username when new account is created

Lukasz Zalewski lukas at
Fri May 28 05:49:59 MDT 2010

Hi all,
It seems like newuser creates an account with CN=username,<domain>
By playing with AD's mmc Users and Computer i have noticed that the 
account is created using:
CN=GivenName Initals. Surname
where at lest one of the above three has to be defined

Should newuser create the account using AD way if at least one of the 
(GivenName, Initals, Surname) is present and using login name if they not?
One of the problems (with AD) i can see straight away is uniqueness issue.
Its probably safe to assume uniqueness of username but with first, 
initial and surname that is not the case.
Given possibility of the sparseness of the input data, if there are two 
people with the same first name (and no initials and surnames are 
available) this will fail - possibly there might be two people with same 
first and last name (and initials)

What are your opinions on this?



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