Patch for fixing pb when users have a valid ticket and the server change its password

Matthieu Patou mat at
Tue May 25 04:38:26 MDT 2010

Hi all,

>> This looks good.  I hope to rework this properly some day to use
>> exclusively the keytab approach (so we don't waste CPU re-salting the
>> machine password), but this fixes the issue without a bit change in the
>> structure.
>> The main concern I have is that by changing from one 'for' loop to two
>> different for loops, that the meaning of 'break' has changed.  Some of
>> the error conditions should cause a retry with a different enc type,
>> while others are fatal.  As far as I can tell, you only have an early
>> exit for success.
> Uh right ! I guess i can refactor to add a boolean and use it to recreate the early exit in different error case (when there is a break)
One more round with more tests and early exit if the ticket is invalid.

Matthieu Patou
Samba Team

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