Testing Samba4 vampire

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Mon Mar 22 03:38:04 MDT 2010

Currently, our Samba4 'vampire' and DRS replication code is not well
tested.  We do conduct regular manual testing, but frankly nothing beats
an automated test - even of Samba4 to Samba4.

In the 'vampire-test-wip' branch in my git repository (and in my recent
commits to master), you will find the work I've done to try and make
this work.

git://git.samba.org/abartlet/samba.git vampire-test-wip

There are many bugs and quandaries - why do NET-API-* tests fail when we
have the vampired DC, but not otherwise? Why do we, despite all the work
to update the schema, still get schema errors in the DRS server?

If you have the time or inclination, please do try a 'make test' in that
branch, and see if you can help find these bugs. 

(Changes already pushed to master include the 'fake' dns resolver, and
code to allow the schema to be re-read). 


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

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