Reloading the full schema in upgradeprovision

Matthieu Patou mat at
Sun Jul 11 06:07:09 MDT 2010

  Andrew, Metze and others,

Can you give me your point of view on a solution like this to allow 
upgradeprovision to reload the full schema (mdw thank you not to point 
any formatting pbs as this code is a poc and I am waiting for technical 

We need to reload the full schema because depending how old is your 
provision you do not have all the schema elements in it, so we start 
with an external schema (as it is done in provision). This works great 
but then due to schema enforcement that appeared lately we will face 
situation when an object modified, that has an attribute defined only in 
the schema of the updated provision (ie. think of an upgraded provision 
with openchange schema ...), will not be allowed to be modified because 
it violate the schema.

The idea of this patch is to wait until upgradeprovision has added the 
missing schema elements, then force a reload of the full schema that 
contains existing classes and attributes (and potentially the ones added 
by the user) and also the missing one brought by the update.

So can you have a look at the patch, I don't like much the way the 
prefixMap is done, but fetching the one from the provision schema gives 
me a blob and I'm not sure I can unpack it in a  drsblobs.prefixMapBlob 
and then get the list of oid (or maybe with drsuapi_MSPrefixMap_Ctr).



Matthieu Patou
Samba Team

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