how to deal with bugs and new features for a VFS module part of samba

Jeremy Allison jra at
Wed Jan 27 15:57:50 MST 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 09:13:34PM +0100, Olivier Sessink wrote:
> Hi all,
> now vfs_scannedonly is part of samba, how is further development (both
> bug fixing and new features) supposed to work?

Well you bug us enough with patches and features until we
eventually break down, give you commit access and add you
to the team :-).

> should I file bug reports and attach a patch? and against which version
> should I file bug reports? Is there a difference between bugs and new
> features?

For new features and things you want in 3.6.x just send
patches to samba-technical. For bugfixes you need to get
into shipping (or about to ship) frozen trees like 3.5.x
then add a bug report and attach a patch.


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