Possible to get Samba3 to use Samba4 server idmap info

Trever L. Adams trever.adams at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 11:25:02 MDT 2010

 I am needing to get Samba3 clients (Linux desktops) to work with Samba4
servers in idmapping. I see idmap_ad and adex, but they look at sfu or
rfc2307 schemas to store uid/gid information.

I see idmap_ldap, but I am think this may as well and I am unsure of
what options to pass in.

Obviously, with Windows clients, this all just works with Samba4. I need
consistency between Windows and Linux desktops, not just within each
group. (This knocks out idmap_hash I believe, as well as _rid.)

Is there a way to do this just yet?

Thank you,
Trever Adams

P.S. I am trying to do searches and all and am coming up with things
that do not seem to apply. Additionally, I am sorry if this is better
sent to samba users.
"It is difficult to legislate morality in the absence of moral
legislators." -- Unknown

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