proposal: merge waf build of s4 to master

simo idra at
Tue Apr 13 10:27:08 MDT 2010

On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 07:50 +1000, tridge at wrote:
> ok, maybe you could ask one of them to try the ARM cross-compile of
> ldb with waf?

I asked to try a cross-compile build to one of the users I know does
this for ARM.
Looks like requiring qemu to do a cross build can cause trouble (in his
case a problem with a SUSE kernel that does not allow to run Qemu as
But in general a qemu dependency seem quite a lot to ask when autotools
do not require anything just that you pass correct cached ac_cv_ vars.


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer <simo at>
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc. <simo at>

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