proposal: merge waf build of s4 to master

tridge at tridge at
Mon Apr 5 05:41:36 MDT 2010

Hi Volker,

 > Just don't build tdb as a shared library. If the system one
 > does not fit your needs, link it statically.

yes, we can just do that for tdb. It does mean fatter binaries, but it
does work.

For s4 the 'fat binaries' was getting a bit silly though. We produced
1.1G of binaries and people were starting to complain. Just the time
to write them all to disk when you change one C file and run 'make'
was getting huge. I know one Samba developer who bought a SSD to avoid
the problem, and I added source4/scripting/devel/ as another
workaround (if you have enough system memory!).

We ended up with more than 10x larger binaries than we should have.

 > That's scary. How many will we end up with?
 > This is just a debugging nightmare.

why is it harder to debug? gdb knows about the libs fine. 

Cheers, Tridge

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