Some remarks on Samba4 with OpenLDAP backend

Michael Ströder michael at
Fri Mar 20 22:01:53 GMT 2009

Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 18:28 +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Andrew Bartlett wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 19:02 +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
>>>> I hope you don't get this message wrong. The job including the
>>>> provisioning scripts is well done. Still I have some questions and remarks:
>>>> 1. IMHO access to the LDAPI socket should also be possible for other
>>>> LDAP clients on the same system. E.g. I'm running my web2ldap as
>>>> separate user on the same system and probably I'd like to access the
>>>> OpenLDAP backend directly. So IMHO the socket file
>>>> <prefix>/private/ldap/ldapi should be moved to another directory where
>>>> other clients have access. Access control should happen in slapd itself
>>>> by ACLs (as already done).
>>> The reason it is done like this is because I would strongly prefer that
>>> the backend was not accessed directly.
>> Why? The OpenLDAP backend is a LDAPv3-compliant server already enforcing
>> a particular schema.
> For me, this isn't a good enough reason:  Just because it can be done,
> does not mean it should be done.  
> The stack of modules that Samba applies above the OpenLDAP server are
> there for a reason, and enforce restrictions and apply semantics above
> and beyond those applied by the backend.  That is why we don't allow
> windows clients to connect to the backend directly. 

I'm not talking about regular LDAP access for Windows clients. I meant
custom admin processes (e.g. for account syncing with external databases

> For example, Samba maintains the 'name' attribute in OpenLDAP manually
> (mapping it to Samba4RDN).  If the backend were administered directly,
> nothing would keep 'name' in sync with the RDN.  
> While I will ask for this to be corrected (as it would also remove a
> race), it gives you an idea of the things that stand in the way.

Since I know the weird AD schema a little bit I'm quite aware of what
you have to do in Samba4 regarding schema mapping.

> I'm still confused why you don't want to connect via Samba4.

E.g. SASL/EXTERNAL over Unix Domain Socket with mapping to an admin's
authz-DN for sync processes without having to provide a password. In
general I'd like to be able to do everything I'm used to do with
OpenLDAP if needed (obeying the DIT and schema requirements off course).

Ciao, Michael.

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