Samba4 / OpenLDAP testing

Howard Chu hyc at
Sat Jun 6 09:12:37 GMT 2009

With a current git pull and the OpenLDAP 2.4.17 release candidate "make test" 
gives me 5 failures and 0 errors in 8 testsuites. A couple of those are 
apparently schema issues, some ops are rejected by slapd due to syntax violations.

There are also some problems with the slapd.conf being used in the tests; it's 
forcing slapd to scan the entire database multiple times because a lot of the 
attributes being searched on are unindexed. This is compounded by the use of 
the refint overlay, which is currently configured with 68 attributes (and each 
of those invokes a search, which is also unindexed). In fact, these 68 
attributes are pairs of forward/backward links that are also being maintained 
by the memberof overlay, so half of those attributes (the backlinks) don't 
need to be managed by refint. I.e., it's doing twice as much work as it needs to.

Also, needs to do a clean shutdown of slapd instead of using kill -9 
on it; otherwise the databases aren't closed and it forces a recovery on next 
startup. This causes extra delay between the provisioning and actual test 
phase (which is particularly painful when you're using valgrind or some other 
malloc debugger on slapd...).

The attached diff fixes the slapd shutdown issue.
The diff fixes the refint configuration.

While trying to chase some other OpenLDAP issues I found it helpful to mark 
where a particular test began in the slapd logs. The diff adds 
this. (It's probably a bit too stupid; it always writes the name in 
dc/private/ldap/logs and for some of the tests the action is occurring in some 
other server. Not sure yet whether we can reliably parse the (dc) / (member) 
tags out of the test names to help it decide where to print the test name.)

Andrew suggested autoconfiguring the indexing; I probably won't have time to 
write that up but will give it some thought. For the moment, here's a list of 
attributes that need to be indexed; this is just pulled from "grep 'not 
indexed'" from the slapd logs. In the attached slapd.conf.txt diff I only 
indexed the topmost attributes, figuring the others aren't requested often 
enough to justify the index write overhead. In the unindexed.txt list the 
number of occurrences of unindexed search is in the first column. If an 
attribute appears twice in the list that's because it occurred for both 
equality and substring indexing.

  I also added "dbnosync" to the configs; I test on a number of machines with 
slow disks and would rather not wait for a synchronous disk op for every 
directory write. I also changed the authz-regexp rules to use a simple 
substitution, since that's all that this particular test configuration 
requires. back-ldif is pretty slow since it opens individual filesystem 
directories and files to satisfy any directory operation. I don't feel too 
strongly about that change in the long run, but I prefer to run it this way 

These changes allow slapd to do a lot less work, which consequently allows the 
tests to complete a lot sooner.
   -- Howard Chu
   CTO, Symas Corp. 
   Director, Highland Sun
   Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/source4/scripting/python/samba/ b/source4/scripting/python/samba/
index 189c93a..c0095ff 100644
--- a/source4/scripting/python/samba/
+++ b/source4/scripting/python/samba/
@@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ def provision_backend(setup_dir=None, message=None,
             if target is not None:
-                refint_attributes = refint_attributes + " " + target + " " + res[i]["lDAPDisplayName"][0]
+                refint_attributes = refint_attributes + " " + res[i]["lDAPDisplayName"][0]
                 memberof_config += read_and_sub_file(setup_path("memberof.conf"),
                                                      { "MEMBER_ATTR" : str(res[i]["lDAPDisplayName"][0]),
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/selftest/ b/selftest/
index 3653523..b916a6c 100755
--- a/selftest/
+++ b/selftest/
@@ -887,6 +887,11 @@ $envvarstr
+		if (defined($ldap)) {
+			open(LF, ">>$prefix/dc/private/ldap/logs");
+			print LF "\nTEST $name\n\n";
+			close(LF);
+		}
 		run_testsuite($envname, $name, $cmd, $i, $suitestotal, 
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/selftest/target/ b/selftest/target/
index 781c9f3..ff39665 100644
--- a/selftest/target/
+++ b/selftest/target/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ sub openldap_start($$$) {
 	    $olpath = "$olroot/libexec:$olroot/sbin:";
 	$ENV{PATH} = "$olpath/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
-        system("slapd -d0 -f $slapd_conf -h $uri > $logs 2>&1 &");
+        open(PIPE, "| exec slapd -d0 -f $slapd_conf -h $uri >> $logs 2>&1");
         $ENV{PATH} = $oldpath;
@@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ sub slapd_stop($$)
 	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "openldap") {
 		open(IN, "<$envvars->{OPENLDAP_PIDFILE}") or 
 			die("unable to open slapd pid file: $envvars->{OPENLDAP_PIDFILE}");
-		kill 9, <IN>;
+		my $pid = <IN>;
+		kill 15, $pid;
+		waitpid($pid, 0);
 	return 1;
-------------- next part --------------
5505 (servicePrincipalName)
4896 (userPrincipalName)
3348 (flatName)
648 (groupType)
352 (sAMAccountType)
324 (trustPartner)
225 (privilege)
216 (securityIdentifier)
199 (objectSid)
23 (displayName)
23 (displayName)
18 (sn)
18 (sn)
18 (samba4RDN)
18 (samba4RDN)
18 (givenName)
18 (givenName)
8 (proxyAddresses)
8 (proxyAddresses)
8 (physicalDeliveryOfficeName)
8 (physicalDeliveryOfficeName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticLastName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticLastName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticFirstName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticFirstName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticDisplayName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticDisplayName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticDepartment)
8 (msDS-PhoneticDepartment)
8 (msDS-PhoneticCompanyName)
8 (msDS-PhoneticCompanyName)
8 (msDS-AdditionalSamAccountName)
8 (msDS-AdditionalSamAccountName)
8 (legacyExchangeDN)
8 (legacyExchangeDN)
7 (sAMAccountName)
2 (userAccountControl)
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/source4/setup/slapd.conf b/source4/setup/slapd.conf
index 09dffbb..59248b1 100644
--- a/source4/setup/slapd.conf
+++ b/source4/setup/slapd.conf
@@ -23,11 +23,19 @@ sasl-realm ${DNSDOMAIN}
-          ldap:///cn=samba??one?(cn=\$1)
+          cn=$1,cn=samba
-          ldap:///cn=samba??one?(cn=\$1)
+          cn=$1,cn=samba
+#          uid=([^,]*),cn=([^,]*),cn=digest-md5,cn=auth
+#          ldap:///cn=samba??one?(cn=\$1)
+#          uid=([^,]*),cn=([^,]*),cn=ntlm,cn=auth
+#          ldap:///cn=samba??one?(cn=\$1)
 access to dn.base="" 
        by dn=cn=samba-admin,cn=samba manage
@@ -78,10 +86,13 @@ index           objectClass eq
 index           samAccountName eq
 index name eq
 index objectCategory eq
+index objectSid eq
 index lDAPDisplayName eq
 index subClassOf eq
 index cn eq
 index entryUUID,entryCSN eq
+index servicePrincipalName eq
 #syncprov is stable in OpenLDAP 2.3, and available in 2.2.  
 #We need this for the contextCSN attribute and mmr.
@@ -111,6 +122,8 @@ index dnsRoot eq
 index nETBIOSName eq
 index cn eq
 index entryUUID,entryCSN eq
+index servicePrincipalName eq
 #syncprov is stable in OpenLDAP 2.3, and available in 2.2.  
 #We need this for the contextCSN attribute and mmr.
@@ -129,7 +142,7 @@ suffix		${DOMAINDN}
 rootdn          cn=Manager,${DOMAINDN}
 directory	${LDAPDIR}/db/user
 index           objectClass eq
-index           samAccountName eq
+index           samAccountName eq,sub
 index name eq
 index objectSid eq
 index objectCategory eq
@@ -143,6 +156,16 @@ index dnsRoot eq
 index nETBIOSName eq
 index cn eq
 index entryUUID,entryCSN eq
+index flatName eq
+index groupType eq
+index privilege eq
+index proxyAddresses eq,sub
+index sAMAccountType eq
+index securityIdentifier eq
+index trustPartner eq
+index userPrincipalName eq
+index servicePrincipalName eq
 #syncprov is stable in OpenLDAP 2.3, and available in 2.2.  
 #We need this for the contextCSN attribute and mmr.

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