Samba4 shared FS + MacOS issue

Xavier Ambrosioni xavier.ambrosioni at
Mon Jan 26 20:01:19 GMT 2009


I installed samba4 alpha6 on an ubuntu system and I succeded to join  
my MacOS X 10.5.6 to the AD domain hosted by samba. It seems to work  
However, I have the following issue with the shared FS I mount on my  
Mac from samba server:
   - When I try to copy a file to this FS, I've got the following  
error: The file name is too long or contains invalid characters.

I found on the web that a lot of people have that issue with w2k  
servers and the solution seems to disabe the SMB Packet Signing.
Is there a way to disable that feature in samba4 ?

Thank you for your help and congratulation for the work done on  
samba4. If I can get that issue solved, I think I will try to use  
samba4 AD in production with about 5 clients (4 mac and 1 windows)

Best regards

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