EA regression in 3.2?

Corinna Vinschen corinna at vinschen.de
Fri Jan 9 15:19:50 GMT 2009


while testing something in Cygwin on a Samba 3.2.4 share, I suddenly
got a strange error I never encountered when testing on Samba 3.0.x

Consider a share //server/share.  On the Windows side I try to get
a handle to the share and immediately ask for read access to the Extended
Attributes, if available:

  status = NtCreateFile (&h,
			 &attr, &io, NULL, 0, FILE_SHARE_VALID_FLAGS,
			 eabuf, easize);

What I expect as status code is either STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED if the
share does not support EAs, or STATUS_SUCCESS if the Samba share supports
EAs (with "ea support = yes" in smb.conf).

That's what I get from my Samba 3.0.x shares, at least.

What I get from my Samba 3.2 shares is either STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED
if EAs are not supported, or STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, if EAs are
supported.  That's somewhat surprising and, AFAICS, a bug.

An interesting fact here is that I only get STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
for the shares's root dir:

  //server/share             ==> STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
  //server/share/file        ==> STATUS_SUCCESS
  //server/share/subdir      ==> STATUS_SUCCESS
  //server/share/subdir/file ==> STATUS_SUCCESS

So the problem is restricted to the case where I try to open a share's
root dir.

Here's the question:  Is that a regression or is that expected
behaviour in 3.2?  If it's expected, what's the reason?

Thanks in advance,

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