olc-conversion update

Oliver Liebel oliver at itc.li
Fri Feb 20 02:04:23 MST 2009

hi andrew

following some information-updates regarding the olc-conversion
extensions in the
provision-backend  - script:

> at last theres one thing i am not really happy with:
> in case of mmr-setup with olc-conversion, the olcServerIDs
> contains some trailing garbage characters after
> conversion is done. i tried several things to get the urls "cleaned up";
> but the chars still remains. although it doesnt seem to have
> an impact on the replication,
> i have filed it to openldap-technical. 
this is now fixed in 2.4.14  (ITS#5897).

> i [...] made the experience that in some cases the syncprov container
> is not created properly,
> if syncprov is used more then once. i didnt had the time over the last
> weeks to test and reproduce this
> behaviour under all circumstances, so i created this small workaround.
> i will try to reproduce it later - for now the olc-setup is working.
i have tested and verified it. Howard told me, that this was fixed in 2.4.9
and subsequently broken again in 2.4.13. he just fixed it again in CVS,
and it will be fixed in 2.4.15.

we have the choice to remove the little workaround form provision-backend,
when 2.4.15 is out, or just keep it there, as it only will be activated,
if olcSyncprovConfig is not created properly during conversion
for cn=config.

how would you like to handle it?



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