SWAT Feature Details and Discussion

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Sun Apr 26 09:45:15 GMT 2009

Quoting Ricardo (rvelhote at gmail.com):

> Internationalization (i18n)
> $ Not much to say here

I have..:-)

(for those people in the Samba Team not aware of that, I happen to not
only maintain Samba in Debian but I also coordinate most i18n
activities in Debian, so i18n is kind of my pet activity)

I'd suggest trying to reuse the old SWAT strings if possible. They had
good i18n and localization was completed but is unfortunately rotting
in Bugzilla : https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4755

What I would suggest is to try using the same strings when possible,
then generate the POT file from the i18n'ed strings you have, then
drop the bunch of PO files from #4755 in the po/ directory and remerge
them with the POT file...

...and then send a call for translations. For that latter part, I can
help by hooking up the bunch of Debian translators. We could even make
use of Debian's Pootle installation (http://pootle.debian.net), unless
the Samba Team wants its own Pootle interface, or use another i18n
framework (of course a free one, which rules out Rosetta).

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