winbind assertation failed (samba 3.0.32): both EVENT_FD_WRITE and EVENT_FD_READ are set for event

Volodymyr Khomenko Volodymyr.Khomenko at
Mon Nov 24 09:28:40 GMT 2008

>> I think winbindd basically is stop-wait protocol, so in normal case,
>> READ and WRITE are mutual exclusive.
You see, we are testing samba in heavily-loaded environment;
for such cases some fragments of protocol can be lost (for example missed reply,
timeouts, etc).
But I think that winbind has to cope with problems like this on protolol layer.

>> This probably doesn't lie in SMB_ASSERT. Did your winbind client crash
>>suddenly? I can think of one possible reasons for this.
Actually yes, sometimes we observe strange behaviour of winbind like those assertations,
panics due heap corruption (TALLOC failed, bad magic value), etc.
In such cases we restart winbindd after crash.
Do you mean that after winbind restart we can collide with some old sessions?

>>two struct fd_event with the same fd exist in the linked list fd_events,
>>maybe. I am not sure, I have to do some test to verify this.
Could you please clarify what additional info do you need?
I think I can insert some instrumentation code to find out
where do these equal fd come from.

Thanks for help.

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