getting vss version of files over network with SAMBA client

Christopher R. Hertel crh at
Thu Mar 6 07:55:55 GMT 2008

I did a quick look so my reply is just a starting point and not an answer,

Read through the Samba HowTo section on the shadow copy vfs module.  It does
not provide access to shadow copies on a Windows server, but it does provide
a shadow copy service that can be used by Windows clients and so should
provide some clues on what questions those clients are asking of the server.
 The vfs_shadow_copy.c module is in the /source/modules directory of Samba 3.

Just clues...

Chris -)-----

Edward sanks wrote:
> Hello,
> I posted this a couple of days back. Could somebody give some clues about handling VSS volumes and files over the network with SAMBA?
> Thanks,
> Ed.
> From: edsanks at
> To: samba-technical at
> Subject: getting vss version of files over network with SAMBA client
> Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 06:39:39 +0000
> Hi,
> Any idea how to get the previous versions of the files that are saved in the volume shadow copies of a share on win2003?
> here are some details of my experiment:
> on a win2003 server, I used vssadmin.exe to create a shadow copy of volume (drive E).
> I have one file in the shadow copy that is older than the current one in active drive E.
> when that drive E is mapped on a Windows XP pro client, the properties shows "Previous Versions".
> I am able to copy that older file on to the XP client, and see the difference in contents compared to the file in E now.
> wireshark shows me XP is doing some MS-RPC calls apart from handling the file in the main share.
> is there a programmatic interface, or SAMBA tool that can do the same to restore previous versions of the files?
> how can we know from SAMBA client that there are volume shadow copies, and how to handle them?
> Googling it shows that there is "System Volume Information" folder under E that holds secret to the volume shadow copies.
> TIA,
> Ed.
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