Centrify 3.0.27a Changes

Dave Daugherty dave.daugherty at centrify.com
Mon Mar 3 19:01:23 GMT 2008

Attached are the changes Centrify has made to the Samba 3.0.27a code


  - diff of our changes against a base 3.0.27a

  - perforce reports of the changes

  - tar file of new files


I suspect most are not candidates for integration into mainstream Samba,
but you decide of course.


Some of things that might be of interest are


-        Packaging script for AIX

-        ID Map unit test program - with some Centrifyisms.

-        HPUX code to prevent negative UIDs and GIDs.

-        HPUX and Solaris NIS inetmgr crash work arounds

-        HPUX file timestamp problems because of pread/pwrite usage



Because we simply keep a list of files that we have patched and then
overwrite entire files it is difficult to generate individual patches.
However if there is a specific change list you are interested in, please
let me know and I will track down the specific changes made


All of the source files we patched are available if that works for you. 




Dave Daugherty

Centrify Corp.


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Url : http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/attachments/20080303/8ef2dcb4/CentrifySamba3.0.27aChanges.bin

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