Perfect Selling by Linda Richardson

Richardson info at
Mon Jun 30 13:00:04 GMT 2008


Richardson is extremely excited to announce that on July 1, 2008, McGraw-Hill with Richardson, will be releasing Linda Richardson's new book - Perfect Selling.
Linda Richardson founder of  Richardson is one of the most recognized names in sales, and an innovator who pioneered customer-focused selling. 

Perfect Selling distills her expertise into quick tips and techniques, providing succinct lessons in structuring and perfecting the key steps of a sales call - in just 20 minutes or less over a five-day period. It is during sales calls, when you're talking with your customers, that the sales are made - or not made. Richardson takes you skillfully through the perfect sales call, from the minute the dialogue begins to closing business. This is sales excellence at its best: a concise method to win more sales and build deeper relationships which can be learned quickly on the go. 
To read more about Perfect Selling, visit Richardson's website   


As a special offer to all of our clients and friends, Richardson is providing Perfect Selling for the introductory price of $13.75*- a 30% discount off of the retail price.
To order Perfect Selling for your entire sales team, please email me at:
mailto: jim.brodo at or Download an order form at 

Best Regards,

Jim Brodo
*Price does not include shipping costs. 

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"Perfect Selling is about using everything you've got, heightening your awareness, and developing your talent. That's magic and it is thrilling."
Gerhard Gschwandtner, Founder and Publisher Selling Power.
"Perfect Selling provides tangible components and a set of disciplines that is adaptable, versatile, and leads to results."
James Jacobson,Vice President of Sales EchoStar.
The five-step process in this book is one of the most closely aligned to a successful sales interaction that I have encountered. I believe the advice given by Linda is practical and very useable by a salesperson on a day-to-day basis. If salespeople follow this five-step process, they will become top sales performers within the companies in which they work."
Malcolm Rees, Global Head of Sales DHL Express.

Richardson Corporate Headquarters
1818 Market St.
Suite 2800
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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