Samba 4 alpha 4: LDAP Authentication and Users

Jason Brittain jason.brittain at
Thu Jun 26 22:40:11 GMT 2008

Hi all!

I'm running Samba 4 alpha 4 on Fedora.  I followed the Samba4 howto
and it runs, but I cannot authenticate against it.
I added a user by running the ./setup/newuser script to add a couple
of shell account users, and then I'm trying to
use an ldap client to authenticate.  Connecting anonymously works
fine, and I can browse the data fine.  But, I cannot
authenticate as any user.

The client's I'm using are (currently) the Apache Directory Studio,
and a win32-only client named LDAP Admin.  In
Apache Directory Studio, the authentication dialog lets me
authenticate with a "Bind DN or user" and a "Bind password".
If I provisioned the server exactly as the howto showed, what would I
put for the Bind DN or user field?  I'd be happy
to use or try a different client but I have a feeling that's not the problem.

What I'm trying to do is log in as an administrator so that I can add
group(s) and user(s).

Thanks, and great work!

Jason Brittain

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