Seeing SAMBA in embedded device from vista

Rubén Lagar ruben.lagar at
Thu Jun 26 08:02:00 GMT 2008

Thank you!!!

The problem is now solved. Following your advice, I got to use a network
sniffer, and found what was happening. The local network was badly
configured in the device, so broadcast address was not the same that in
the host machine.

I know that this is not a samba problem, but I thought it was, and I was
really stuck and needed some input to go forward.

Thank you again!

Volker Lendecke escribió:
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 05:07:10PM +0200, Rubén Lagar wrote:
>> The real device name is IDLNX32, not MYDEVICE (I used MYDEVICE in my
>> email just like an example). So, when I try to access the embedded
>> device from Vista via \\IDLNX32, there is just one log file growing, it
>> is log.nmbd. There are 2 other files, but they don't register any line
>> in debug level 10.
> This looks like a name resolution problem in Vista. You need
> to sniff what the Vista box is doing.
> Volker


*Rubén Lagar Ferreiro*

*Project Leader*



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