Removing ACLs doesn't work

Andreas Büsching buesching at
Thu Jun 26 05:29:36 GMT 2008


Am Montag, 23. Juni 2008 14:09:04 schrieb Andreas Büsching:
> I'm currently working on a problem with samba 3.0.26a. May be someone has
> an idea what I'm doing wrong or if it is a known issue.

Good news, the problem seems to be fixed with samba 3.0.30. 

But I've still one question:

- Is there a difference in handling the root directory of a share than a 
subdirectory? I found out that removing ACLs from the root directory (in this 
case /data/shares01) does not work with the options on the security tab (but 
with the Advanced dialog when setting the option 'apply to all sub folders'), 
but on subdirectories of the share it works.


Andreas Büsching   <buesching at>     fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Entwicklung        Linux for Your Business
Univention GmbH     fax: +49 421 22 232-99
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