PATCH Supress 'subcontext' warning in PIDL for Samba4 build

Ramón García ramon.garcia.f+samba at
Thu Jul 17 18:58:38 GMT 2008

The advantadge of the current approach is that it is simple with Perl.

Perl Getopt::Long allows you to define an argument --name="list".
Defining something line -nopt1 -nopt2 would require more changes to
PIDL source. I am not a Perl expert, so I tried to make it simple. I
guess making warning options like GCC would require parsing command
line options by hand instead of using Getopt::Long().

Perhaps someone with more Perl experience can correct me.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> Thanks for this patch. Any chance you could make the syntax more similar
> to that of GCC? E.g. allow -Wno-subcontext ?

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