darn tootin' Re: rpc-lite

Amin Azez azez at ufomechanic.net
Thu Jan 17 15:38:41 GMT 2008

Sorry to keep spamming you all, .au time (where my fine sister lives)
makes it better to communicate up-front.

I'm doing the wasteful cursed (can you hear my teeth grinding) trans2
sub-opcode method.

I'm re-writing smb_raw_trans_send_backend so that the NDR can be encoded
directly onto the SMBtrans2 smbcli_request.

I'll use zero parameters and use the data to send the ndr. I believe
setup[0] holds the sub-op code, and I don't know any other uses for
additional setup words - I guess anything that could affect who decodes
the NDR.

Thanks for your help.


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