backend provision samba4-ol-multimaster working

Oliver Liebel oliver at
Thu Aug 21 10:14:17 GMT 2008

Andrew Bartlett schrieb:
> On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 10:09 +0200, Oliver Liebel wrote:
>> Andrew Bartlett schrieb:
>>> I've made these changes.  Have a look when it hits the public GIT tree.
>>> Andrew Bartlett
>> perhaps you can pull up the files today, so i can start working on the 
>> other points
>> with the actual layout.
> See
> Unfortunately the work got caught up in a branch I wasn't ready to push
> to the master tree.  I hope to push it tomorrow, but it is there in the
> meantime.
> Also at git:// 4-0-local
as you mentioned, i will start with sasl/authcid and replication of 
i agree that cn=config should be the final point, as we have to convert
the complete slapd.conf into slapd.d/ with all needed settings.

and delta-sync for the main context will surely not be the badest idea,
especially for large trees.


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