Getting Winbindd to build with GCC Profiling support

Jeremy Allison jra at
Wed Sep 5 22:51:10 GMT 2007

On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 03:41:26PM -0700, Todd Stecher wrote:
> I'm failing in configure when trying to get GPROF information on  
> winbindd, so I can figure out why Samba / CIFS using kerberos is  
> significantly slower than NTLM (it should be 5-6 times faster, due to  
> lack of DC secure channel).  Moving to keytabs with pre-derived keys  
> helped somewhat, but its still slower than NTLM.  The --enable- 
> profiling switch is great, but doesn't give me the granularity I need  
> to really pin down where the CPU cycles are going.

Valgrind using the cachegrind module will give you all the info
you need - and more accurately than gprof.


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