[PATCH] Add stackframes to public libsmbclient functions

Derrell Lipman derrell.lipman at unwireduniverse.com
Mon Nov 19 14:40:09 GMT 2007

On Nov 19, 2007 9:37 AM, Volker Lendecke <Volker.Lendecke at sernet.de> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 09:25:35AM -0500, Derrell Lipman wrote:
> > of the lower-level function that there's a problem down below.  That's
> > not the way to do it IMO.
> Sad. Then we have to remove talloc_stackframe() completely
> again. I pretty much liked it, but as Simo has also already
> reject it, we probably need to remove them :-(

The concept has merit.  I wouldn't remove it quite yet.  Why not use
it as a debugging tool.  If every layer is _supposed_ to free its
locally-allocated memory, then why not have debug capability to
display -- at any layer -- memory which was allocated "on the stack"
that should have been freed earlier.  Instead of using it as a way for
the higher layers to "fix" a bug in the lower layer, why not use it as
a way to request a list (including file name and line number of
allocation) of memory that didn't get freed.  That way the bugs get
fixed where they should, but you retain the cleanliness of your new


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