Memory leaks

Atsushi Nakabayashi nakabayashi at
Thu Jul 19 06:31:56 GMT 2007

Hi, samba-tech,

I have found a memory leak in the error path of the samba-3.0.24.

---- source/smbd/lanman.c(api_DosPrintQGetInfo)
    817         } else {
    818                 count = print_queue_status(snum, &queue,&status);
    819         }
    821         if (mdrcnt > 0) {
    822                 *rdata = SMB_REALLOC_LIMIT(*rdata,mdrcnt);
    823                 if (!*rdata) {
    824                         return False;
    825                 }
    826                 desc.base = *rdata;

    855         *rparam = SMB_REALLOC_LIMIT(*rparam,*rparam_len);
    856         if (!*rparam) {
    857                 return False;
    858         }

    The queue and tmpdata are not released, when SMB_REALLOC_LIMIT 
function returns NULL.

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