running samba under a network dispacher

Yariv Hakim HAKIM at
Thu Jul 12 14:25:07 GMT 2007

Hi all,

I am  running on a clustered filesystem (GPFS) where each node have a samba
server that is authenticating throw a kerberos from windows.
for connecting the samba servers I  have forward  ports 139 and 445 from my
network dispatcher to the samba servers.
each node is working as a stand-alone with no problem,   when I'm trying to
connect throw the network dispatcher  it doesn't seems to work.
I can't  authenticate with the kerberos, he keeps asking for username +
does any one have this kind of topology and had this problem ?
any one have an idea ?

Best Regards,

Yariv Hakim, CCSP
Network Administrator & Security Specialist
IBM Haifa Labs.
Office: +972 4 8296178 , Cell: +972 54 6976178, Fax: +972 4 8296111

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