quota support on member server

Wolf Wiegand wiegand at univention.de
Tue Jul 10 08:36:15 GMT 2007


we have encountered some problems with displaying quota information on a
samba server configured as a member server. The quota information window
does not show any entries, whereas repquota shows the correct
information. User name and SID lookups using winbind work correctly on
the machine, as well. This problems seems to exist in both samba 3.0.22
and 3.0.22d.

Are there any known issues related to this topic?



Wolf Wiegand            Entwicklung                wiegand at univention.de
Univention GmbH         Linux for your business    fon: +49 421 22232- 0
Mary-Somerville-Str.1   28359 Bremen               fax: +49 421 22232-99

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