Subtree renames and linked attributes

Luke Howard lukeh at
Thu Aug 9 07:58:33 GMT 2007

>> For performance/historical reasons many directories that support
>> referential integrity use integral 32-bit entry IDs rather than
>> GUIDs for this.
>> In the case the entry is not in a local DIB, the entry pointed
>> to by the entry ID might be a proxy object ("phantom") that
>> caches the DN, GUID, SID of the real entry. A separate process
>> can then be responsible for maintaining cache consistency.
>Interesting.  Thanks!

Oh, and typically rather than storing the complete DN with each
entry, "modern" (well, even the first version of NDS did that I
expect) directory servers store a pointer in each entry to the
parent entry ID. This makes subtree operations easy.

Have a look at dsstore in Darwin or back-hdb in OpenLDAP for
some examples.

-- Luke

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