Additional tdb flag

Meital Hershcovitch Meital.Hershcovitch at
Tue May 9 12:35:09 GMT 2006




When the tdb file is corrupted we are using the tdbbackup verify
functionality to check the tdb and if needed restore it.


While the samba process is running our system checks from time to time
if the tdb files were not corrupted, when the tdbbackup realizes that
one or more tdb files were corrupted it restores them, while samba is
still running. This made the samba process to have a wrong inode of its
tdb files (when forking a child process), since they replaced.


To handle this we added another flag to the tdbbackup "-c". This flag
will only check if the tdb file was corrupted and return non zero value
if it was corrupted.

By using the new flag, every time our system checks the status and sees
that the tdb file was corrupted, the samba process is stopped, the
tdbbackup with -v flag is running to restore the corrupted tdb files and
then the samba process is started again.


You can take a look at the attached file, patching the tdbbackup
application. The patch is against 3.0.20.












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