
Alexander Bokovoy ab at samba.org
Wed Dec 20 06:16:50 GMT 2006


tridge at samba.org wrote:
> Alexander,
>> In this case allocating a structure off of context is changing user
>> data.
> no it isn't. If you allocate N bytes with talloc and get a pointer
> 'p' then the only bytes that are user data are p[0..N-1].
> The hierarchy that talloc offers is 'magic' from the point of view of
>  callers. It doesn't matter how that is implemented, and it is the
> job of talloc.c to make sure it works on every architecture without 
> violating any assumptions the compiler makes.
> Unless a byte is changing inside the range p[0..N-1] then the user 
> data has not changed, and the pointer can be const.
This is not what I'm talking about. If hierarhy is used within
application then allocating something in a context is effectifely
changing that hierarchy, hence changing user data (of which this
hierarchy is a part).

Of course, you could argue that a developer would probably be better by
adding linked list to the structure itself and managing it explicitly
but if talloc already provides this resource, why can't it be used?
/ Alexander Bokovoy
Samba Team                      http://www.samba.org/
ALT Linux Team                  http://www.altlinux.org/
Midgard Project Ry              http://www.midgard-project.org/

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