SOC Progress on "User Manager for SWAT (Samba 4)"

S P sree314 at
Mon Aug 21 04:27:00 GMT 2006

On 8/21/06, Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at> wrote:
> Do you have some directions on how to try this out?

Copy SOC/sree/usermgmt.js to /usr/local/samba/shared/js/

Copy the contents of of the SVN SOC/sree/ui/ to
/usr/local/samba/share/swat/user_manager/ (renaming ui/ to

You'll also need Qooxdoo 0.5.3

Also apply the two patches in SOC/sree/sree/ui/, there are detailed
instructions for doing the above two steps in sree/ui/README

I've uploaded some screenshots here:

Hmm... I think I'll also add an install script.

Sreepathi Pai

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