which VFS type should I use? (opaque, transparent, logger, etc.)

Sean Dunn sean at troublemakerstudios.com
Mon Sep 19 22:12:27 GMT 2005

Hello all,

The VFS I'm developing will pass through to the underlying modules in
most cases, saving a log of operations. In two cases, though, I want to
take over the mkdir and rmdir operations based on the actual directory

Instead of calling SMB_VFS_NEXT_MKDIR(), I want to make my own calls to
make a directory on a different file system, create a symbolic link to
that directory using the operation name, and then return success. I want
rmdir to act the same way.

First, I hope you don't think this is insane :) Second, since this is a
mix of opaque and transparent VFS types, which do I use? I'm guessing I
can keep it as a logger.. But I wanted to make sure.


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