setting file size to windows 9x/windows me

Steve French smfrench at
Sun Sep 18 04:39:01 GMT 2005

Looks like setting the file size to windows 9x/windows me servers has to 
be done via file handle, not path, (ie open and write 0 bytes at offset 
or setfileinfo level 1) ... right?   I am getting invalid 
function/unsupported level errors on every setpathinfo (path based) even 
level 1 from linux cifs client to windows me/9x (works to other servers 
of course).

Strange that one can't do anything useful to windows 9x/me without 
opening the file since that could lead to strange sharing violations, 
but in any case with this change the cifs code should do fine for most 
operations to windows 9x/me

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