Market Movers and Shakers

Mohammad Lyons mohammad_lyonsmv at
Sun Oct 16 06:04:39 GMT 2005


+++++++++++Current Profile+++++++++++++

Symbol: MXON. PK 

Current Price: $0.04
2-3 Day Target:$0.09

We are putting investors on HIGH_ALERT, put
your sights on MXON..Watch This one MONDAY!!..
Trading at under a nickel the gains could be Huge!

* Act Very Quick * 

This stock is poised for a HUGE BREAK OUT, because 
of the low price, and recent news. MXON could be 
one of the 1,000_%_gainers we are all talking about 
later this year.Last time this was on HIGH_ALERT
it went up over 120+%. We Expect More this Time!!

Unlike investing in internet st0cks in the 90's, 
finding a stock today with the potential to return 
1000% or better is like finding a needle in a 
haystack, unless the haystack is also known as the 
more then $2Trilli0n, in market value Health Care 
Industry and thanks to Maxxon's :( MXON) disposable 
retractable syringe and safety scalpel device, which 
uses proprietary patented technology in which a 
vacuum causes the needle to retract and lock in place 
into the barrel of the syringe or device after an 
injection is administered or blood is drawn, you 
need not fear being stabbed and 
infected by the needle. 

Let's get to the point, this technology is being 
mandated. OSHA estimates that 8 mi||i0n workers in the 
health care industry and related occupations are at 
risk of occupational exposure to blood born pathogens, 
including HIV, Hepatitis (Carried by at least 4 
million Americans) and others. In fact, a typical 
needle can harbor more than 20 diseases. The National 
Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) 
estimates that 600,000 to 800,000 needle stick 
injuries occur annually in the hospital setting with 
nursing staff being the most frequently injured, 
resulting in thousands of U.S. healthcare workers 
becoming infected because of these sharps injuries 
every year. It may even be worse then that, according 
to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data, the number 
of needle stick and other percutaneous injuries among 
healthcare workers is growing every year.  About half 
of these injuries are unreported.  At an average 
hospital, workers incur approximately 30 needle stick 
injuries per 100 beds per year.  In one study, needle 
stick injuries were reduced anywhere from 23% to 76% 
by using safer needles. 

The safety needles and syringes market represents a 
large and growing segment of the healthcare industry. 
In 1999, total sales of needles and syringes in the 
U.S. reached a record high of $759_mi||i0n. This 
figure is expected to increase to $1.05_bi||i0n by 
2006. Rapid acceptance of its Safety-engineered medical 
devices (SEMDs) and FDA 510K Application as well as 
approval of Foreign Licenses later this year will mean 
st0ck price lift off. 

MXON will take the healthcare safety device industry 
by storm, once the product is being manufactured on a 
large scale , and fast track approved, u could be 
seeing this product the next time you go to the 
doctors office, and when u leave u will know the 
device will never stick anyone else. Trade the charts 
on this one, easy 200-300% gains, on the chart alone. 

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