
Andy Whitcroft apw at shadowen.org
Fri Nov 18 11:29:47 GMT 2005

Andrew Morton wrote:

> - cifs is busted when built as a module.  Mysteriously.

Don't know if this is related, but it appears that there is a problem
linking it static.  Specifically when you enable CONFIG_CIFS but not
CONFIG_CIFS_XATTR.  It seems that get_sfu_uid_mode() uses
CIFSSMBQueryEA() which is only available when CIFS_XATTR is defined.
Oddly the error seems to be reported against the function which follows:

  fs/built-in.o(.text+0x131520): In function `.cifs_get_inode_info':
  : undefined reference to `.CIFSSMBQueryEA'
  make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1


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