Additional settings in NT - how to set them in Samba 3

Tony Earnshaw tonye at
Mon May 23 16:03:42 GMT 2005

man, 23.05.2005 kl. 15.22 skrev John H Terpstra:

> > How can I enable the following specific user settings from NT  in Samba 3
> >
> >    1. Forcibly disconnect remote users when login hours expire
> >    2. Hours during which allow/disallow access
> >    3. Logon to : all workstations or a particular one
> >    4. Account expiry date
> >    5. Grant Dial In Permissions
> >    6. Call Back Settings

> As documented in the Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf, it is possible to set the 
> above with Samba-3 (requires passdb backed of either tdbsam or ldapsam)
> using the SRVTOOLS.EXE (NT4 Domain User Manager).

One is, the others aren't ...


mail: tonye at

Eg er bergenser og, eg, men, Trondheims-ordfører Marvin Wiseth:
«Bergenserne er flinke til å gjøre mye ut av lite» (uttalte seg over 17.
mai feiringen iår, men gjelder sannsynligvis og dette mel mitt).

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