Proposing Code Domation to Samba -> Incl ability to remote start Win program from Samba client

Michael Lueck mlueck at
Wed Mar 23 17:51:41 GMT 2005

Hi Jerry,

After posting I went looking at SysInternals again just to see if by chance this was one util which they provide the source to. No source, but he wrote an article about the utility which includes 
details of how it works. Alas, a file is sent to the Admin$ share of the remote Windows box, started, and a named pipe communication is used between client/server. Rats... I had hopes this was just 
simple SMB calls to the server service running on the Windows side.

Based on the glimpse provided of how it works, any ideas how to do this in Samba? I assume a Windows binary would need to also become part of Samba, and that shipped over just like PsExec does.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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