dnotify doesn't deliver signals when user changes

Mark Weaver mark at npsl.co.uk
Fri Mar 18 13:51:39 GMT 2005

I've been playing around trying to get samba to support "which files 
changed" notifications rather than just returning 
STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR.  It appears that I have hit a problem with linux 
dnotify however (kernel is 2.4.26 although from the changelogs no 
dnotify fixes have popped up to the latest version).

Basically it all works fine until change_to_root_user is hit (popups up 
in a few places: idle timeout/log file size processing/etc).  As soon as 
the UID is changed, dnotify stops delivering file change signals.  As 
far as I can tell, this would also affect the stock code.

Does anyone know if this is a problem with dnotify, samba, or both or 
could suggest a reasonable workaround?



As an aside, the motivation for this is to try to get IIS5, which is 
buggy wrt to file change notifications, to work with samba so that a 
samba box can be used as a common root for a cluster.  I'm using a patch 
from Juergen Hasch as the base for this, found at:


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