Why does continue flag slow down smbclient

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Fri Mar 4 18:34:40 GMT 2005

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 01:14:47PM -0800, Kevin Dalley wrote:
> I'm look at a serious samba bug, which involves the loss of files when
> taking a directory listing:
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2271
> Unfortunately, the suggested patch causes smbclient bloat, using up 1
> or 2 GB of memory before I give up and kill the process.
> I removed the backup flag from the patch, and everything works the
> same.  Here is a line which causes problems, from
> source/libsmb/clilist.c, samba-3.0.10:  
> SSVAL(param,10,/*8+*/4+2);	/* continue + resume required + close
> on end */
> If I turn on the continue flag (8),  files are lost, but smbclient no
> longer grows to GB size.  When I leave the flag off, all the files are
> found, but the size of the running program for certain commands grows
> to GB size.
> What is going on, where can I look for a memory leak?

Run under valgrind. Now you've reported this problem with it that's what I'm going
to do before applying the patch :-).



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