samba trunk slower than SAMBA_3

Steve French smfltc at
Mon Jun 20 18:40:34 GMT 2005

I ran the connectathon test suite in timing (-t) mode and see that the
Samba trunk branch was much, much slower than SAMBA_3 branch on
file/directory create tests (0.45 vs. 0.14 seconds creating 155 files,
62 directories).  For more files (test1 -t 4 70 10 ie four levels deep,
70 files, 10 directories each) the difference, as expected, is much more
dramatic: 41.76 seconds for trunk while only 2.82 seconds for SAMBA_3

Perhaps the case sensitivity on path based calls is not being detected
in trunk - but this is probably what made dbench run so much slower in
trunk and makes it harder to tell the effects of the aio

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