SMB signing problem w/3.0.10

Joe Meadows jameadows at
Thu Jan 20 22:05:25 GMT 2005

Andrew Bartlett wrote:

>Can you try this with current SVN?  (There have been some Kerberos smb
>signing changes recently, and I don't think they made 3.0.10)
No luck with either samba-trunk (from today) or 3.0.11pre1.  With the 
trunk I haven't been able to make the ADS join work at all and with 
3.0.11pre1 I can join but still can't see the trusted domains (though 
the network traffic seems quite different that with 3.0.10).  Sorry that 
there's not much more substance to this report but I just wanted to get 
back to you before I set this aside for a bit to work on my other chores.


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