Developer Documentation

Charles N Wyble charles at
Wed Jan 19 17:32:48 GMT 2005

Deryck Hodge wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> |>
> |> As Andrew Bartlett mentioned a few posts back, I've tried to round up
> |> someone to watch the mailing list or IRC channel a couple of times
> |> before,
> |> with the intention of running a weekly 
> "Here's-what's-happening-in-Samba"
> |> column on I realize you're watching this to 
> gain
> |> info for developer docs, but would you be willing to write up such an
> |> account of the week's IRC happenings for our news site?
> |
> |
> | With pleasure.
> |
> Excellent!  What day of the week would you like to send the write-ups to
> me?  I'll run them whatever day you send them, so probably Friday or
> Saturday is the best (as a look back over the past week).  But I'm
> flexible with what works best for you.  All I ask is that we try to
> stick to the same day of the week, so readers can come to expect the
> weekly summary on a certain day.  Cheers,


    Friday works best for me. I have that day off from college :) That 
and Tuesdays. So homework/studying etc etc on Tuesday and Samba on 
Friday. I am still on track to implement lurker into prodction on the 
various mailing lists this coming Monday (Jan 24 2005) at Midnight PST.  
I'll launch a beta Saturday  (Jan 22 2005) around 10:30 AM PST. Also 
would it be possible to have a log of IRC traffic mailed to me every 24 
hours for review?  I plan to deliever my first writeup on Friday 
February 12 2005. I want to automate the process of data gathering as 
much as possible and possibly some of the analysis/summary work.
    I am excited that I can participate in the documentation and 
analysis of the samba community at such a critical time in its history 
and development.

> deryck

Charles N Wyble
Developer/Consultant. 30.00 an hour is my fee. 

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