libsmbclient smbc_lseek works wrong?

RandoMan randoman at
Wed Jan 12 13:18:36 GMT 2005

Hello all!

As far as I understand, the call of smbc_lseek() should set the
current position of file and return the resulting position in the
file. I trying to use following code:

int sfd=smbc_open(filename,O_RDONLY,0644);
off_t cur_pos=smbc_lseek(sfd,start,SEEK_SET);

and cur_pos sets to zero.
The file I tried to open exists, and has length 43 bytes, the
following smbc_read lists the content of this file, but smbc_lseek
doesn't  set the position to read.
What I do wrong? :-/

I use samba-3.0.10 (debian 3.0.10-1)


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