sIDHistory And SAMBA ACL's

MENENDEZ Eric emenendez at
Mon Jan 3 11:29:39 GMT 2005

I would like to make a progressive migration from an Nt4 domain to an Active
Directory 2003 and I am facing a big issue:
(The  NT,W2k and XP clients have been migrated with ADMTV2 - the migration
Tools of Win2003).
When they open a session on the new domain, they have not anymore to the
resources of SAMBA.  
Even when the server still is in the domain NT4.
It seems that Samba is not able to recover the sIDHistory allowing the
relation between the accounts of the two domains.  
This bug is it known?  
thank-you of well to want to help me

emenendez at <mailto:emenendez at> 
01 47 29 47 25
91-93 Avenue Francois Arago
92017 Nanterre

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