[PATCH] add "net ads groupmember" functionality

David Wojtowicz davidw at uiuc.edu
Wed May 12 16:20:11 GMT 2004

> Maybe some parts could be improved. I think of at least two items:
> - use of *ads_cn_from_dn does not correctly explode dn (think of a group
>  with a "," in the name).

Is it sufficient to accomodate a backslash-escaped "," which is how ADS
seems to encode a "," in the name, or is there another preferred method of
exploding dn's as it is just a string? The only other way I could think of
would be to lookup the dn in the directory and ask for it's cn, but that
seems expensive.

> - range retrieval is not handled (large groups (>1000 (win2k) or >1500
>  (win2k3) will appear to be empty), there is a
>  ads_pull_strings_range-call in libads.

Hadn't thought of that.   I can recode this.  I wonder though if there's
going to be a problem with a very long strlist in ads_gen_mod().

David Wojtowicz, Sr. Research Programmer
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois
davidw at uiuc.edu (217) 333-8390

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