How can i get out of this list?
João Carneiro - DLS
jcarneiro at
Wed Mar 10 13:59:04 GMT 2004
I've been at the site and done the unsubscribe thingie and i am still receiving emails...
João B. G. Carneiro
jcarneiro at
* +351 227 470 786
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-----Mensagem original-----
De: Paul Griffith [mailto:paulg at]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 10 de Março de 2004 13:31
Para: Volker Lendecke
Cc: samba-technical at; Jeremy Allison; Andrew Bartlett
Assunto: Re: secrets.tdb - byte order independent? (SPARC/INTEL)
Just on more last question on the NFS issue. Assume I have all my tdb on the local drive will the following work or be okay.
server1 - Linux based NAS (type device) exporting it's local disk via NFS server2 - Linux based server running Samba sharing out shares NFS mounted from server1
Am I still asking for problems? What kind of problems have people seen out there? What technical reasons/issue would cause problems here? Does Samba and NFS play well together (other than tdb) ?
Many thanks for all the help.
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Volker Lendecke wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 05:02:56PM -0800, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> > You are asking for problems. Don't put tdb's on an nfs share at all
> > (IMHO).
> I'd be a *lot* more strict about that. When talking Linux, use ext3
> for the tdb's. Reiser is known to destroy them. No idea about XFS and
> JFS, but ext3 is known to be good.
> Volker
Paul Griffith | York University, Dept. of Computer Science CSB1003A
CS Technical Team | 4700 Keele Street,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 paulg at | Phone: 416-736-2100 x70258 Fax: 416-736-5872
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