3.0.1 build error on Solaris 9

Albert Chin samba-technical at thewrittenword.com
Mon Jan 19 01:03:29 GMT 2004

While building Samba 3.0.1 on Solaris 9:
  Compiling libads/kerberos.c with -KPIC
  Linking nsswitch/libnss_wins.so
  cc: Warning: multiple use of -Q option, previous one discarded.
  ld: fatal: file dynconfig.po.o: open failed: No such file or directory
  ld: fatal: file lib/version.po.o: open failed: No such file or directory
  ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to
  gmake: *** [nsswitch/libnss_wins.so] Error 1
        error: error executing script

I did some testing:
  $ cat Makefile
  .SUFFIXES: .c .o .po.o .lo

  foo.po: foo.c Makefile
          echo -c $< -o $*.po $@

  foo.po.o: foo.c Makefile
          echo -c $< -o $*.po.o $@
  $ gmake --version
  GNU Make 3.81a1
  $ gmake -n foo.po
  echo -c foo.c -o .po foo.po
  $ gmake -n foo.po.o
  echo -c foo.c -o foo.po.po.o foo.po.o

Why not use $@ rather than $*. at PICSUFFIX@ in the
dynconfig. at PICSUFFIX@ and lib/version. at PICSUFFIX@ rules?

albert chin (china at thewrittenword.com)

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