Samba forcing decreasing permissions (owner -> group): bug or feature?

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo.lists at
Tue Dec 14 17:17:24 GMT 2004


If I have a file:

-r--rw----  1 uuu ggg 1 Dec  9 12:53 fff

If a member of group ggg tries to edit file fff through a Samba share he 
will get read only access. Linux gives write access. FreeBSD also.

If I give write permission  to user uuu, members of group ggg start to 
have write permission even through a Samba share.

As far as I can tell, Samba uses the owner permissions as a kind of mask 
for group permissions.

If this a bug or a feature?

Rodrigo Severo


Rodrigo Severo
Fábrica de Idéias
SBS -Ed. Empire Center Sala 1301 - Cobertura
Fone: (61) 321 1357
Fax: (61) 223 1712


The beginning of knowledge is the discovery
of something we do not understand.
                                  -- Frank Herbert


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